If using a portable UV lamp, charge completely prior to using.
Wash hands with soap and water.
Warm hands or feet prior to application.
Push back and/or remove cuticles.
File nails to shape.
Slightly file the top surface of nails.
Clean nails with alcohol before each strip is applied (allow to dry).
Ensure the strip isn’t bigger than the nail. If so, trim strip to size with precision scissors.
To apply- press, and we mean really press firmly, all edges to tightly seal (with ‘flat’ angled end of orange wood stick, or even better, a glass cuticle pusher).
Dry under UV Lamp for 120 seconds. Most places say 60-90, but 120 is best.
Trim strip close to edge of nail tips with nail snippers, clippers or precision scissors.
File rough/uneven edges of strip off of nail tips with nail file <– suggested to file in one direction only and not to file upwards.
Don’t touch with water or traumatize (heavy scratching etc.) for 2 hours <– please don’t skip this step.
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We know that feeling. There is definately a lsearning curve. Here are some things to check…
Wash hands with soap and water.
If using a portable UV lamp, charge completely prior to using.
Warm hands or feet prior to application.
Push back and/or remove cuticles.
File nails to shape.
Slightly file the top surface of nails.
Clean nails with alcohol before each strip is applied (allow to dry).
Ensure the strip isn’t bigger than the nail. If so, trim strip to size with precision scissors.
To apply- press, and we mean really press firmly, all edges to tightly seal (with ‘flat’ angled end of orange wood stick, or even better, a glass cuticle pusher).
Dry under UV Lamp for 120 seconds. Most places say 60-90, but 120 is best.
Trim strip close to edge of nail with nail snippers, clippers or precision scissors.
File rough/uneven edges of strip off of nail tips with nail file. <– suggested to file in one direction only and not to file upwards
Don’t touch with water or traumatize (heavy scratching etc.) for 2 hours. <– please don’t skip this step
This will vary. For example, Some may inadvertantly pick at the edges so for them, 12 days is typically tops. Others may leave them on for 2 weeks.
New users might honestly be a much shorter time, as there is a learning curve for most. For that reason, we are including a free set (total of 40 strips) to give an extra practice period.
If you’re a pro at it, happy times! You get some more pretty nails on us!
Unfortunately, this is not an option at this time.
1st, use a nail brush with soap and warm/hottish water to brush the strips on the nails. Alternatively (and this seems to work great), a generous amount of hand lotion can be used instead of the soap and water.
Once that is done, the only way we recommend is to use an orange wood stick and ‘pry’ them off gently.
PLEASE don’t tug at them with your fingers as this is guarenteed to destroy the nail at some point.
We love to also apply Press-On Nail remover <the kind with the little glass applicator) around the slightly loosened edges; a little at a time while gently prying the strips loose. You can also use oil <we use Olive Oil as it’s heavier>, instead.